Defense Guides

Winning a case involves countless hours of research, preparation, and practice.  We are here to ensure that you obtain the outcome you deserve and offer these guides to show you the necessary steps to achieve our goal.  Download our free guides below and don’t hesitate to contact us for any more information you desire.

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DUI Guide

We see lots of people who have been arrested and charged with driving under the influence.  If you’re like most of our DUI clients, your biggest worry is your ability to drive.  “Can I get a restricted license, at least to drive to work,” is one of the most frequently asked questions we hear.

The answer to that question is often not so simple.  That’s because the DMV will take action against your license through an administrative hearing, often before your case makes it into court.  Then, depending on how your court case resolves, the DMV will take additional action against your license, using a completely separate set of laws.  To complicate matters more, some of the DMV’s administrative actions will overlap with what happens in your court case, while other actions won’t.  Truly, reading the relevant sections of the California Vehicle Code is like reading hieroglyphics.

We wrote this guide to help you more easily understand what can happen to your license if you have been arrested for a DUI.

Case Preparation to Win

You or a loved one has been arrested and are now facing criminal charges. Anxiety levels are high. Jobs are in jeopardy. Families are in disarray. Funds are limited. Your head is swimming and you don’t know where to turn. Do we post bail? Do we hire a lawyer? What does our future hold?

You should know that there is no such thing as an impossible case. Some cases are tougher than others, but there’s almost always a solution to be had. Your goal should be to obtain the best solution for your particular situation. That might mean fighting your case all the way to trial. It may mean obtaining a dismissal of the charges based on violations of your constitutional or procedural rights. Or it might mean obtaining the most favorable plea bargain possible.

A skilled and experienced Criminal Law Specialist can certainly help you define and achieve your goal. The old adage says, “knowledge is power.” Applying that adage to your case, the more you know about the way a serious felony case moves through the court system and the more you know about possible consequences, the more equipped you will be to make informed and rational decisions. The purpose of this book is to do just that, to give you a general overview of the way serious felony cases are handled in California. It is my hope that with this information you and your lawyer can work together to achieve the best result for your case.