Immigration Crimes

As a border town, San Diego experiences a high volume of immigration crimes–illegal entry, alien smuggling, and using fake documents to gain admission into the United States. These cases are handled by the Federal Court and usually move through the system very quickly.  Federal Court is markedly different than State Court. The rules are different, the procedures are different, and the consequences of making a mistake in the Federal Court can cost the client dearly. So, when facing an immigration crime in Federal Court, it is important for you to have a lawyer with Federal Court experience.

Our years of experience in handling immigration crimes in Federal Court enable us to advise our clients of the best course of action for them to take at every turn of the case. At times, it is in our clients’ best interest to take the case to trial. Other times, our clients will get home to their families sooner by taking a favorable plea deal. We have the experience to know which option is best. If you would like to discuss your case with a Certified Criminal Law Specialist (Link qualifications), please call us today.

Visit the San Diego Criminal Lawyer page to learn more about our Criminal Law Specialists.